Chem : A
Math : A
Bio : B
GP : A
So its AABAA. Compared to my predicted grades of AABBB, I think I cleaned up pretty alright! Haha, my brain went completely numb when I saw the results slip. I also almost collapsed, screamed, then lunged at my Civics Tutor and planted a kiss on her cheek. At that point she was more shocked than happy.
It's totally surreal. To have actually done totally AWESOME for once, not mediocre, not slightly above average, not even good. It's fucking EXCELLENT (in my opinion of course). I don't mean to be giving myself too much credit but I damn well deserve it I think. So let me just gloat for now.
Fantastic birthday present in advance.
Speaking of birthdays, Aresha turned 24 today! Gonna take her out for dinner later.
And, speaking of smelly. Rasputin the ratatouille is now a fatatouille. Really. He isn't as small anymore which is good, I let him run around the room most of the time when i'm home, but he's got a nice round belly to show for it too. DAMN CUTE LA.
Dog and I also have been bonding over walks. I now abstain from leashing her when we walk, so she's free to smell whatever she likes wherever she likes, as long as she doesn't start eating anything. She also has the sense to keep within least a 2m radius of me. It doesn't bother anyone, since she doesn't quite care about people walking by her as much as they think she does. But it's been raining more as of late, so it's less walks. Rain = Depression.
Aresha has lost the battle of trying to convince me to go Macintosh. The recent huge ass IT show came and went, and I left the show with a Fujitsu Lifebook S Series. I dunno la, I like the design of the Macbook and yada yada, but after using it for a week when Aresha was in New Zealand it started to get frustrating. The specs on the Lifebook are better, and I just prefer the feel of Windows. Just my own preference.
I named my laptop mrjitsu. After further thought in the shower I should've named him MrSamuraiJitsu. Or jitsu the samurai. Oh well, I don't know how i'm gonna change the name but i'll just leave it.
It looks all business-y professional and boring, but one of those G-mask things will change that in a snap. But I do like the matte finish better, the glossyness of all the other laptops kinda made them look a little cheap.
Ok la the screen isn't sooo shiny, but it hasn't got a single pixel out of place, and movies screen well too so i'm not complaining. Finally! A damn laptop. Waited long enough. But if you didn't go for the IT show you would've missed out. There were some mad deals there. And I only checked out the laptops section.
But of course the downside was the crowd. I went there at 2pm on the last day thinking i'd make it out by 3.30pm so I could get to work on time but boy was I sooo wrong.
What I don't understand is... the need to bring your aged grandma or newborn child to the IT show. I mean, seriously! There was this horrible dude who was shoving his stroller into my way when I was already stuck in a crowd that was hardly moving. And he was literally shoving, no one was pushing him or anything. Fuck, I was so close to shouting at someone.
Ok that aside, i'll be in KL next weekend. I'm accompanying Aresha up coz she was asked to DJ at an F1 pre-party. I thought maybe they could've given her free passes to F1, but noo. Either way, it's still a holiday, and my first once since the A's ended! A week after that Aunty Gogi and the kids will be flying in for Primela's 21st, and also for the kids to have a holiday. They really deserve it after all they've been through, and i'll make sure of that.
End April I will most likely be flying to the UK to help Aunty Gogi out with whatever moving she needs to do and also to babysit her kids whenever I can. Aresha will be joining me afterwards, and we'll be going on a roadtrip to the different universities and hopefully they'll give me a place.
And the random anonymous who knows the boy who looks like Weezer's lead singer, PLEASE don't say anything. And. Who are you. What did you google to end up here? Hrm.
Mum's the word. I shan't give the game away. =p Isn't the Internet a wonderful thing?
no la no game all. haha. you are nice.
so who are you faster SAY SAY SAYY
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