I relate to the chorus a tad too much for comfort;

It's impossible to ignore you
Must you make me laugh so much
It's bad enough we get along so well
Went for Indian Dance SYF today. Yet again, I felt like the biggest outcast out of the entire bus. But it wasn't half bad when you have idiots like Raushan and people who feel at least half as weird as you do, like Rishibha.
The girls were AMAZING! Gold with honours I saysssss. Results out tomorrow, I have my fingers crossed for you guys. AJC was not bad, NJC was the bledy BOMB. The rest..... were lousay lah.
This week sucks ass, but doesn't suck as much ass as last week. I start tuition this Friday. The tutor sounds promising. He's determined to get me the As that I want, and has already started pushing me to start revising.
But I don't get much done hanging around here do I?
To get A grades for 'A' Levels I better be fucking prepared to put in A-grade effort.
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