I had fun la. I hope those who came did too. And to Maya, Surin and Yiggers, I'm really so so so sorry. It's really damn hard to host these kinda things man. And to think that I was the most discreet birthday girl too.
But it was good. Its helluva lot harder putting together these things than I thought. We were 1 and a half hours late coming down to start the party and people were calling us nonstop while we were rushing to get ready. Three of us were STILL at the place setting up at 7pm.
Ok la dancefloor finals. Later!
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Saturday, April 21, 2007
headache, arm-ache, leg-ache, backside-ache
31st May to 6th June issss.... SPONGEBOB LIVE! WHO WANTS TO WATCH IT WITH ME! Heheheh.
I saw it on TV while I was talking to my mom and just stopped. If there's any kiddy musical I wouldn't mind watching, it'd be this alright.
Birthday partay coming in a week's time! Can't wait lahhh. Remember to RSVP people.
I saw it on TV while I was talking to my mom and just stopped. If there's any kiddy musical I wouldn't mind watching, it'd be this alright.
Birthday partay coming in a week's time! Can't wait lahhh. Remember to RSVP people.
Friday, April 20, 2007
it's always like that... isnt it.
miss simpang bedok [the 21st will never end] says: then you can run along back to me
miss simpang bedok [the 21st will never end] says: and i'll let you cry on my shoulder
Yes hello. Dunno why i've been so tired as of late. Haven't been sleeping late, not fatigued (i hope) from work. Just the plain inability to focus, so my mind wanders. And when my concentration slips and I start dozing off, Ryan has a helluva good laugh during GP lessons.
One time, I napped while pretending to read a passage while everyone else was reading it. Later on the GP tutor called on me and for some reason I briefly heard her say something about reading paragraph 3... In a dream I was having or something. So I eagerly read paragraph 3 out loud.
The classmates start giggling and I was oblivious, then the tutor tells me we're on paragraph 2.
SO. I eagerly read out paragraph 2. Shiyong and Fadhilah kept turning around and giggling, so was Ryan my idiot GP class partner. I stopped halfway and yelled and everyone asking why they were all giggling. Even the tutor was giggling. Apparently she asked me a question about paragraph 2, and I woke up and started reading paragraph 3. I wanted to knock Ryan on the head. Twice.
But it was pretty funny. Kinda reminded me of Hari Raya at Fatimah's house last year.
'Is it illegal?'
'No she's not Indian, she's Chinese'
It's 12.03am and it's gonna be a long-ass day tomorrow ballz. We've got some European thingy going on on Monday, and rehearsals are tomorrow. Can't wait to sleep in during the weekend. :)
miss simpang bedok [the 21st will never end] says: and i'll let you cry on my shoulder
Yes hello. Dunno why i've been so tired as of late. Haven't been sleeping late, not fatigued (i hope) from work. Just the plain inability to focus, so my mind wanders. And when my concentration slips and I start dozing off, Ryan has a helluva good laugh during GP lessons.
One time, I napped while pretending to read a passage while everyone else was reading it. Later on the GP tutor called on me and for some reason I briefly heard her say something about reading paragraph 3... In a dream I was having or something. So I eagerly read paragraph 3 out loud.
The classmates start giggling and I was oblivious, then the tutor tells me we're on paragraph 2.
SO. I eagerly read out paragraph 2. Shiyong and Fadhilah kept turning around and giggling, so was Ryan my idiot GP class partner. I stopped halfway and yelled and everyone asking why they were all giggling. Even the tutor was giggling. Apparently she asked me a question about paragraph 2, and I woke up and started reading paragraph 3. I wanted to knock Ryan on the head. Twice.
But it was pretty funny. Kinda reminded me of Hari Raya at Fatimah's house last year.
'Is it illegal?'
'No she's not Indian, she's Chinese'
It's 12.03am and it's gonna be a long-ass day tomorrow ballz. We've got some European thingy going on on Monday, and rehearsals are tomorrow. Can't wait to sleep in during the weekend. :)
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
ok this is so cb.
Party's postponed people! To the 28th. And it'll be at Makeena. Or Makena. Something like that la. Meyer road. Will post more details soon, but yeah the place has been booked and all so no more changes. I still need your RSVPs okey!
Monday, April 16, 2007
Ok everyone. I just received an update from my CT. I scored pretty well for my Chem test so...
Here's the details!
Date: Saturday, 21st April
Address: The Waterside
Yes it's a condo at Tanjong Rhu.
Apparently its damn nice. In front of Dunman High, at Fort Rd there.
I think you can take buses 401 or some other buses haha.
It's evening-night-ish, and will last pretty long. There will be (hopefully) a LOT of people so brace yourselves. Haha. The birthday girls are Rishibha, Zahra and me. None of our birthdays fall on the 21st, but never mind la ok.
Multiracials and the bahluls, PLEASE RSVP BY THURSDAY. SANKSYOU. I'll be giving those who RSVP more details then. It's a BYOB thing, bring your own booze. Ok.
I don't think i'll go into detail about Council Camp from Friday to Sunday, but one thing's for sure. The past year was probably the best one in my entire life and i've made so many great friends and we've planned so many successful events together, we've created a standard that far surpasses that of previous councils. Sure, it could be due to the fact that we're the first 50-people strong council in TPJC history but we sure made it work out.
Last year's camp was pretty bad. We spent most of the time preparing for Investiture and being yelled at by the seniors. This year we totally scrapped the entire 'be-stupidly-fierce-to-instil-discipline' for the 22nd Council's camp and it make the camp so much more enjoyable for both the 22nd and the 21st. And Senior's Nite was unbelievable, the 22nd did a fantastic job. From laughing till our insides ached to a sincere thank you speech by Mark (previously 21st, now 22nd councillor) that made us start bawling.
So anyways. I will probably be bawling at Investiture on the 8th of May. Sigh.
I really really wish our term would never end.
Here's the details!
Date: Saturday, 21st April
Address: The Waterside
Yes it's a condo at Tanjong Rhu.
Apparently its damn nice. In front of Dunman High, at Fort Rd there.
I think you can take buses 401 or some other buses haha.
It's evening-night-ish, and will last pretty long. There will be (hopefully) a LOT of people so brace yourselves. Haha. The birthday girls are Rishibha, Zahra and me. None of our birthdays fall on the 21st, but never mind la ok.
Multiracials and the bahluls, PLEASE RSVP BY THURSDAY. SANKSYOU. I'll be giving those who RSVP more details then. It's a BYOB thing, bring your own booze. Ok.
I don't think i'll go into detail about Council Camp from Friday to Sunday, but one thing's for sure. The past year was probably the best one in my entire life and i've made so many great friends and we've planned so many successful events together, we've created a standard that far surpasses that of previous councils. Sure, it could be due to the fact that we're the first 50-people strong council in TPJC history but we sure made it work out.
Last year's camp was pretty bad. We spent most of the time preparing for Investiture and being yelled at by the seniors. This year we totally scrapped the entire 'be-stupidly-fierce-to-instil-discipline' for the 22nd Council's camp and it make the camp so much more enjoyable for both the 22nd and the 21st. And Senior's Nite was unbelievable, the 22nd did a fantastic job. From laughing till our insides ached to a sincere thank you speech by Mark (previously 21st, now 22nd councillor) that made us start bawling.
So anyways. I will probably be bawling at Investiture on the 8th of May. Sigh.
I really really wish our term would never end.
Sunday, April 08, 2007
I'm so sorry about not being able to make it. I feel terrible, and i'll make it up to you I promise. I just need to wait this whole punishment thing out and buck up on my results.
Man, I feel like such a kid.
Anyway, I really couldn't take it last night, doing absolutely nothing over the weekend. Paul was supposed to help me 'walk my dog' last Saturday but he fell asleep, so he agreed to 'walk my dog' last night. HAHAHA.
Nothing suggestive la. Initially I told him that he can really literally help me walk my dog, but I realised that I can't stay out for a couple of hours under the guise of walking my dog. So when my mom went to sleep, I sneaked out. Went to 7-11 to get iced lemon tea and went to the park and did our 'lie under the stars and talk cock' as usual.
Stupid fella STILL has trouble with girls. He's hopeless lah, I got so fed-up I started throwing rocks at him. In a year he'll be Sergeant Paul Soh, which he eagerly showed off. Stupid SISPEC goon.
NS is so blah. But you get paid, free food and a place to stay, so it's not so bad what.
Ok so, council camp this weekend. And there's still a chance the 3-girl birthday partay is still on. I'll be keeping you guys posted. :D
Man, I feel like such a kid.
Anyway, I really couldn't take it last night, doing absolutely nothing over the weekend. Paul was supposed to help me 'walk my dog' last Saturday but he fell asleep, so he agreed to 'walk my dog' last night. HAHAHA.
Nothing suggestive la. Initially I told him that he can really literally help me walk my dog, but I realised that I can't stay out for a couple of hours under the guise of walking my dog. So when my mom went to sleep, I sneaked out. Went to 7-11 to get iced lemon tea and went to the park and did our 'lie under the stars and talk cock' as usual.
Stupid fella STILL has trouble with girls. He's hopeless lah, I got so fed-up I started throwing rocks at him. In a year he'll be Sergeant Paul Soh, which he eagerly showed off. Stupid SISPEC goon.
NS is so blah. But you get paid, free food and a place to stay, so it's not so bad what.
Ok so, council camp this weekend. And there's still a chance the 3-girl birthday partay is still on. I'll be keeping you guys posted. :D
Thursday, April 05, 2007
a song i heard on the radio nong, nong ago.
Heard it again on the Dancefloor. Stupid E squared danced to it, but surprisingly, it wasn't half bad.
I relate to the chorus a tad too much for comfort;

Why d'ya have to be so cute?
It's impossible to ignore you
Must you make me laugh so much
It's bad enough we get along so well
Went for Indian Dance SYF today. Yet again, I felt like the biggest outcast out of the entire bus. But it wasn't half bad when you have idiots like Raushan and people who feel at least half as weird as you do, like Rishibha.
The girls were AMAZING! Gold with honours I saysssss. Results out tomorrow, I have my fingers crossed for you guys. AJC was not bad, NJC was the bledy BOMB. The rest..... were lousay lah.
This week sucks ass, but doesn't suck as much ass as last week. I start tuition this Friday. The tutor sounds promising. He's determined to get me the As that I want, and has already started pushing me to start revising.
But I don't get much done hanging around here do I?
To get A grades for 'A' Levels I better be fucking prepared to put in A-grade effort.
I relate to the chorus a tad too much for comfort;

It's impossible to ignore you
Must you make me laugh so much
It's bad enough we get along so well
Went for Indian Dance SYF today. Yet again, I felt like the biggest outcast out of the entire bus. But it wasn't half bad when you have idiots like Raushan and people who feel at least half as weird as you do, like Rishibha.
The girls were AMAZING! Gold with honours I saysssss. Results out tomorrow, I have my fingers crossed for you guys. AJC was not bad, NJC was the bledy BOMB. The rest..... were lousay lah.
This week sucks ass, but doesn't suck as much ass as last week. I start tuition this Friday. The tutor sounds promising. He's determined to get me the As that I want, and has already started pushing me to start revising.
But I don't get much done hanging around here do I?
To get A grades for 'A' Levels I better be fucking prepared to put in A-grade effort.
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
woo. yay. i'm 18. i'm legal and blahdeedah.
So yes, legal to do most things. Hoo ray. Not like it makes a difference, drinking? M18 movies? Driving smoking been there done that.
Anyhews, I had a lovely birthday. I had a second surprise (after the first one on Saturday) from the 4 goondus I hang out with in class and make my day worth coming to school for - Priya, Hafizah, Fadhilah and FATIMAH! Yay! She made me a lovely card too. The funniest thing was that I reached the canteen and they were still struggling to light the candles on the cake.
Samuel/Kiwi/Kenneth/I can't remember even asked me, "eh Aruna got lighter or not?"
I just sat there and laughed my ass off.
The class sang me birthday songs, with Kenneth going YEEP YEEP at the end of every line. Haha, first time i've ever had one of those things y'know, cake in school, birthday song and all.
Once all the hoo ha died down, and we went for our math lecture, I saw Rishibha and Zahra eagerly waiting to run in. I started feeling anxious watching them run up the stairs, in front of my seat. They stood in front of me and my whole class including those 2 goons started shouting the Happy Birthday song as louuuuddd as they could, and half the lecture theatre joined in.
Even Mrs Sze on the microphone said she'll sing me one herself in private HAHA.
At home it was nothing much, had really really good indian food, epilated my arms and watched depserate housewives. My arms are hairless again! Wooo! But it was damn cheebai pain la, like unbelievably pain at first, then after awhile you sorta adjust to it. Only downside is that i've got a few red marks here and there.
Tomorrow i'll be tagging along with Indian Dance for their SYF. Initally I just wanted to take photos, and at the same time support Zahra and the rest but now i've been put down for.... make-up. What the hell! I have absolutely zero experience in the performing arts and how they wear their make-up in that very extravagant way that they do. So... good luck to them tomorrow if i'm REALLY assigned to help out with make-up.
And i've resolved to go out quite.... sporadically. I realised that at the rate i'm going now, no way in hell's name am I even gonna SMELL an A grade for my A levels. Coupled together with my punishment for doing something quite bad, I won't be going out much for awhile. I don't know how long.
I still want to go to Sentosa with the bahluls. I still want to have my 18th birthday partay with Rish and Zahra on the 21st. I still want to do manymany things.
Sighe. Almost zero social life for the next 7 months. Wait for me, 22nd November, when it all ends.
Anyhews, I had a lovely birthday. I had a second surprise (after the first one on Saturday) from the 4 goondus I hang out with in class and make my day worth coming to school for - Priya, Hafizah, Fadhilah and FATIMAH! Yay! She made me a lovely card too. The funniest thing was that I reached the canteen and they were still struggling to light the candles on the cake.
Samuel/Kiwi/Kenneth/I can't remember even asked me, "eh Aruna got lighter or not?"
I just sat there and laughed my ass off.
The class sang me birthday songs, with Kenneth going YEEP YEEP at the end of every line. Haha, first time i've ever had one of those things y'know, cake in school, birthday song and all.
Once all the hoo ha died down, and we went for our math lecture, I saw Rishibha and Zahra eagerly waiting to run in. I started feeling anxious watching them run up the stairs, in front of my seat. They stood in front of me and my whole class including those 2 goons started shouting the Happy Birthday song as louuuuddd as they could, and half the lecture theatre joined in.
Even Mrs Sze on the microphone said she'll sing me one herself in private HAHA.
At home it was nothing much, had really really good indian food, epilated my arms and watched depserate housewives. My arms are hairless again! Wooo! But it was damn cheebai pain la, like unbelievably pain at first, then after awhile you sorta adjust to it. Only downside is that i've got a few red marks here and there.
Tomorrow i'll be tagging along with Indian Dance for their SYF. Initally I just wanted to take photos, and at the same time support Zahra and the rest but now i've been put down for.... make-up. What the hell! I have absolutely zero experience in the performing arts and how they wear their make-up in that very extravagant way that they do. So... good luck to them tomorrow if i'm REALLY assigned to help out with make-up.
And i've resolved to go out quite.... sporadically. I realised that at the rate i'm going now, no way in hell's name am I even gonna SMELL an A grade for my A levels. Coupled together with my punishment for doing something quite bad, I won't be going out much for awhile. I don't know how long.
I still want to go to Sentosa with the bahluls. I still want to have my 18th birthday partay with Rish and Zahra on the 21st. I still want to do manymany things.
Sighe. Almost zero social life for the next 7 months. Wait for me, 22nd November, when it all ends.
Sunday, April 01, 2007
i thought i was miserable... until....
I realised that I have, unquestionably, the SWEETEST OF THE SWEETEST FRIENDS IN THE UNIVERSE.
Nobody has ever done something that sweet for me. Thank you.... so so much for making my miserable week tons better. Thinking about it makes me wanna cry again, like how I did when you guys stood at my gate with a slice of cake and sang happy birthday for me.
I love you guys, Fi, Nurul, Su, Yiling, and Rau & Fat even though you guys weren't there.
You are the people I truly will never forget, and never want to lose touch with.
Thank you :)
Nobody has ever done something that sweet for me. Thank you.... so so much for making my miserable week tons better. Thinking about it makes me wanna cry again, like how I did when you guys stood at my gate with a slice of cake and sang happy birthday for me.
I love you guys, Fi, Nurul, Su, Yiling, and Rau & Fat even though you guys weren't there.
You are the people I truly will never forget, and never want to lose touch with.
Thank you :)
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