It's hard to read all the appreciation messages going out to everyone else but you. Bah, I won't harp on it. Maybe i'm being overly-sensitive. But somehow... I'm still sad. Sad enough to tear up while typing this.
But i'm glad for the council, for everyone that TPJC's Teacher's Day concert was a roaring success. I'm extremely proud of everyone who put it effort, those who spent evenings till late in school doing work (see what i'm discreetly getting at?).
Ahh but i'm genuinely appreciative ok! I'm really happy with the way things turned out, under-appreciated or not. I enjoyed myself thoroughly during the process of preparing and the concert itself. So what the hell huh.
Okay. I've decided that i'll save up and backpack around Japan when my A'levels are over. Mabel visited TPJC the day before Teacher's Day and she told me that her friend went to do vet science in a university in New Zealand with her PRELIM RESULTS. Prelims are in September, what the hell! So she'll be in the first intake of the year.
If I do that... it means no backpacking in Japan! Nooo!!!
Ash has periodic bursts of snores. And it sounds DAMN loud and gross. Every five minutes he's like.. SNGGGARCK!
It's 1.06am and pa is nowhere to be seen. Usually he calls if he's coming late, or even lies about being home by 10.30pm. Not even that.
Aruna is now addicted to a new manga. Previously.. it was Love Hina. Now it's...
MAGISTER NEGI MAGI! Surprisingly, also by Ken Akamatsu. I just LOVE the way he draws. Negi Magi's NOT AS perverted as Love Hina, but there's still some. But what's amazingly amazing is the battle scenes. It's seriously no joke. Huge landscapes, evil demons, detailed melee combat, it almost gives me a headache so I read it a little at a time. I'm up till volume 8 and all I saw was volumes 1-14 so bahhh :(
I hope there's more. Before I saw this, I was browsing Popular's comics section with Fatimah (Sim, not Yasin ahaha), I initially wanted Fushigi Yugi but they didn't have volume 1 stupidly. There were two different versions of Fushigi Yugi. The TV series Suzaku one and a Genbu one. I wasn't really interested in what was happening with the maiden of Genbu so I looked around for something new to pick up.
Then I saw Magister Negi Magi! Yay! I'm so glad I got myself a new manga addiction. Maybe i'll start drawing again. Highly unlikely cause I spend loads of time drawing one thing and i'm now a wannabe-professional photographer so I'm just waiting for that period of time in my life where I can actually be A BUM.
Yes. A bum. When you finally reach a point where you realise 24 hours a day is SERIOUSLY not enough, and it goes on for days, weeks, months, you'd give anything for free time. Free time for you to explore. Pick up something new. Earn your own keep. Do something you love doing, but just never had the time. Create something artistic yet requires you to be meticulous towards every detail.
And when you're finally done, the satisfaction you derive from it? Priceless.
In sec 3, I once spent a week on a drawing. I look at it every now and then, and up till now, I still smile to myself thinking about how great it looked. Aesthetics aside, what really made it look like it was worth a million bucks was the thought of how much was put into it.
Well. Since I have no time during the week to blog and bore you with my daily itinerary, here's just some deep thoughts from the dusty, neglected realm of my imagination and philosophical side. Right.

Funny, how things are like... that.
Anyways, I took this with my darling V3x, so quality's a tad fuzzy. And the edge of my finger can be seen. Haha oops.
There's something about tonight that's... almost magical. Maybe it's cause my room smells nice, maybe it was the divine chocolate cake I had earlier, maybe it's the blue glow from my phone as it charges, maybe it's the fact that i'm up late, on the internet which hasn't happened in a LONG time, maybe it's the delightful serenity of silence that's very calming right now.
My house is almost NEVER this quiet. On second thought, my dad just got home. 2.40am. Well, good luck to him with the momster tomorrow!
Bla. I better sleep so I can study tomorrow. Hopefully. Nighty night!
1 comment:
aruna!!! hahax..
i dont know what to say...
But yea....
i can see u as a vet.
so no worries.
Work hard
and u'll be one.
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