I went to photograph the Interact Club's Installation yesterday. Quite emotional and all. And I got a free bubble tea out of it from the club's new president, WEI ZHENG! Woohoo!
I came home and started taking all sorts of nonsense pictures. I'm still in need of A LOT of practice and Ungku totally slammed the pictures I took of Dog. It was sad but it made me realise I need to experiment more instead of using the same modes over and over just for the sake of convenience.
Pa and I will be going for the National Day Parade this year. I almost gave this year's parade a miss cause I've been going practically... every year but he kept bugging me cause the tickets he got were in the White Sector. Which is the grandstand. So I asked him to bring Ma.
No, she wants to spend the day at home.
Bring Ash?
No, the crowd is too large he'll kick up a fuss and the usual garb.
Then he said Ma asked him to bring me. I never thought of that, so I yelled OKAY! over the phone. There was a 2-second period of silence from him then he went 'Uhhh... Umm.. Okay. So you are sure ah? I have a carpark label so we don't need to walk.'
Yay! I'm going for NDP with my dad. I don't know why i'm so happy. Haha! Maybe he doesn't feel as strongly about the whole situation, but whatever. As I recall, the last time I actually ENJOYED NDP was when I was in Primary 2, and I went with my dad. Strange.
Oh. Overseas CIP had its first meeting on Friday. We were split into our committees and we had to write down the ones we want in order of how much we want them. Mine was Interaction, Teaching, Donation, Secretarial and Logisitics & Finance, in order of what I wanted. I got secretarial! At first it was a tad heartbreaking cause Meijuan and Daphne got Interaction.
Interaction's the committee that plans all the games for the kids.
Secretarial does the handbook, records minutes of meetings and settles post-trip reflections and presentations to the school. Oh and photography and videography of the trip. Which is probably why I was put in there, being the only Photography member in OCIP.
Turns out, secretarial freaking rocks! We had great cooperation and at the same time we talked so much cock it was unbelievable. Interaction? Ah, don't ask. They were quiet from where I was sitting. I thought they were immersed in discussion but turns out it was so much... less.
One word: Politics. Which is something we really don't need.
Aiya. My coldplay pics are so long overdue. So here's one of the dunnohowmany I took. Sorry its so small! I still dunno how to watermark. AHAHA sorry.
Ok so now i'm gonna shower and fool around with the D70 a bit more. BUAIZZZXXX.
ey! NDP with pa! Have fun. He's a sourplum but he'll ease up after awhile. As for ash - just tie him up and shove him in the bath? Swimming?
Movie? Surin. *hmm*
and i love your 'jengjengjeng' in the blog post by MIA. Mebbe its your friend. heheh
ehhh pa is now totally bastarding me la. he wants to sit with his CC chairassholes. aiya.
and no, nothing between me and surin.
who is that mia woman? and were being sarcastic about wearing fake chanel? cause you dont. right?
1.mia? I dunno. yet another one off the smorgasbord of weird manic voyeurs.
2.Yes, i was being sacarstic! If it was fake, they'd have booted me out of the shop when I went there to clean the marks off the duffel sac and the satchel after we came back from london. The only one that is fake is that white a4 sized one I bought in KL that I use to house my laptop.
3. yes, they really throw people out of stores. I've heard horror stories.
4. why dont you sit with pa's cc crew?
5. do you like my new blog layout? eheh.
6. please monitor ma and pa's house buying. I don't want to end up having to service a loan for a place I don't intend on living in.
7. Just a movie ah.. ok! ;)
- sistergoonie
pa only got 1 ticket to sit with the CC people lah. but still dunno yet hurr.
that coldplay shot is fuckin awesome...
yay you really think so? chris martin's out of focus in the full-sized one though, boo.
but thanks! :D
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