Wednesday, February 08, 2006

tomorrow's road run!

Shea's at it again. I thought he'd be attending school regularly once the timetables were finalised, but I was wrong.

Karma Police says: i ponning school tmr

=D says: whats new

Karma Police says: newspaper

So yeah college run's tomorrow at ECP. 3.2km. That's a whole 2km less than the Bedok Reservoir route. STUPID SHITe.

Planning friendship week and valentine's day has been a right pain in the ass for the council. I don't understand why we can't just pakat with all the other school societies and make one KIKASS event. But no, we gotta COMPETE against them.

I hope I get stuff for valentine's day. I mean, that feeling of getting something lovely yet totally random from someone you barely know. That flattering feeling. Now that I think about it, I've never felt that way before. What a sad life i've lived.

I think.. it's my pimples. They're REVOLTING. Ugh. NSC appointment's next week!

Results this friday. I must be the 384729th blog to post that. Someone from JAE who's Desmond's cousin told him that everyone generally did badly.

So much for my 10-point dream.


Zee :) said...

Heya! :) man, that hamster's cool. I wanna poke it! Heh.. Have you heard of the Hamster Knifing one another game? Pure evil. Nyaha.

aroona said...


i want that game, now.