Okay people. Sorry no deepavali party. No I will not be going to your houses either.
Gah I feel like crap.
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Monday, October 24, 2005
These technics earphones aresha left by the computer are the SHIZ!!
I can actually HEAR the bass of songs... like Dreadlock and even Coffee and Tv harhar. I think I will steal them on friday when I go study. It shuts off all outside noise and doesn't bug anyone around unlike my sony earphones.
Aiyoooh so nice.
Anyhews, I went for a couple of open-houses on friday. Namely tampines and meridian. I have to say... I HATE TPJC. With a passion. Never have I seen worse racial segregation. Indians are clumped together in one group babbling in tamil, the malays sit outside the malay room or something, and the chinese are well... everywhere. If I go to tpjc, where the hell will I fit in? Gan teng fong (ong teng chong hahah) was our guide, and by the end of it I was talking to him as if I knew him for years.
He was surprised at all the new bedok view stories like mr saidil converting and wai kit's face near the pond. He said TPJC's not as good as MJC, but it's more cosy than MJC. I thought he was right at first, until I actually WENT to MJC.
The school spirit there was incomparable. Granted, there were fewer malays and indians, but they weren't grouped in one corner. It was so happening I tell you. But whether I can make it there has a lot to be desired. I LOVE THEIR PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB! They just LOAN cameras to you just like that! Imagine... using professional cameras... FOR FREE!
I'll wake up at 5am everyday just to go to MJC if I could. Sigh.
Ma thought I had school today, and walked in at 6am, turned on the lights and woke me up. I sat up straight immediately and you wouldn't believe what I said.
Ma: ARUNA! Wake up. Do you have school today?
Me: No no... He married a ten year old pussy.
Ma: What??
Me: Ten.. ten year old pussy! *big grin*
Me: *actually wakes up* What? No.
I swear I wasn't dreaming about anything dirty. I was half awake and had no idea what I was talking about.
I don't think the fact that I was grinning from ear to ear helped much. I was woken up so many times that night.. I think my brain got all screwed up.
Blah.. SS in half an hour. I did the whole Acids, Bases and Salts chapter in the TYS yesterday and I just realised i've been so chemistry-dumb all this while. Bio, E math and A math can wait, I NEED to focus on science.
I can actually HEAR the bass of songs... like Dreadlock and even Coffee and Tv harhar. I think I will steal them on friday when I go study. It shuts off all outside noise and doesn't bug anyone around unlike my sony earphones.
Aiyoooh so nice.
Anyhews, I went for a couple of open-houses on friday. Namely tampines and meridian. I have to say... I HATE TPJC. With a passion. Never have I seen worse racial segregation. Indians are clumped together in one group babbling in tamil, the malays sit outside the malay room or something, and the chinese are well... everywhere. If I go to tpjc, where the hell will I fit in? Gan teng fong (ong teng chong hahah) was our guide, and by the end of it I was talking to him as if I knew him for years.
He was surprised at all the new bedok view stories like mr saidil converting and wai kit's face near the pond. He said TPJC's not as good as MJC, but it's more cosy than MJC. I thought he was right at first, until I actually WENT to MJC.
The school spirit there was incomparable. Granted, there were fewer malays and indians, but they weren't grouped in one corner. It was so happening I tell you. But whether I can make it there has a lot to be desired. I LOVE THEIR PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB! They just LOAN cameras to you just like that! Imagine... using professional cameras... FOR FREE!
I'll wake up at 5am everyday just to go to MJC if I could. Sigh.
Ma thought I had school today, and walked in at 6am, turned on the lights and woke me up. I sat up straight immediately and you wouldn't believe what I said.
Ma: ARUNA! Wake up. Do you have school today?
Me: No no... He married a ten year old pussy.
Ma: What??
Me: Ten.. ten year old pussy! *big grin*
Me: *actually wakes up* What? No.
I swear I wasn't dreaming about anything dirty. I was half awake and had no idea what I was talking about.
I don't think the fact that I was grinning from ear to ear helped much. I was woken up so many times that night.. I think my brain got all screwed up.
Blah.. SS in half an hour. I did the whole Acids, Bases and Salts chapter in the TYS yesterday and I just realised i've been so chemistry-dumb all this while. Bio, E math and A math can wait, I NEED to focus on science.
Sunday, October 16, 2005
NO birthday will ever be as fun as celine's 21st.
I dunno if i'll really blog about the WHOLE THING. But i'll try.
Aresha, Celine, Yao, Gary, Small, Ungku, Peter and I first went to Toa Payoh, the industrial area next to the golf course thing. We picked up a bag and 3 helmetfuls of golf balls and deliberated on what we were gonna do with them. First we thought of rolling them down mount faber, throwing it off a brigde, throwing it into some.. water place, then finally we decided on going to Marina South. To do what exactly with the golf balls, we had no idea.
We went there and walked around the park only to just take a piss and watch some midnight amazing race nonsense going on. After that, gary came up with some CRAZY idea to go throw the golf balls at the bangla's sleeping quarters under the ECP at fort road. If we were though, we'd have to bail as fast as we could cause only god knows how many banglas populate that site and it was so ULU.
We walked all the way in, only to come across a GOLF BUGGY hidden away in some corner. We shoved keys, coins, and safety pins into the ignition and it STARTED! Courtesy of Ungku. So we are very very thankful to him.
We drove the buggy out of the construction site back under the ECP, but one wasn't enough. While me, celine, ungku and peter threw golf balls at each other, the rest went in to hijack one more!
Nuts. They drove it out and we all hopped in and went for a few rounds here and there. Then gary and aresha came up with the brilliant idea of going BACK into the construction site where a possible hundred banglas were sleeping in their containers. We had to go back in to reach a helipad which was hidden and the only way to get there way to drive along the man-made coast. So we drove, while being whacked over and over by branches and making sure we didn't topple over the slope.
There was a branch in the way which was impossible to push up (it was still attached to a tree). Yao was in the first buggy just shouting LEFT CHIONG LEFT CHIONG and we in the second buggy tried to follow suit. We ended up crashing into the branch, breaking the front of the roof and the buggy went UP. We decided to left chiong a little bit more and got through.
We saw 2 coast guard boats go by so we stopped and prayed they didn't see us. Once we were out of their view we continued on and on. The place is so fucking ulu I swear.
The helipad was closed off so we went back onto the main path and went into this GIGANTIC WIDE OPEN SPACE that looked like the surface of the planet Mars. I swear. There was dirt everywhere and no trees for about a few km radius. We could see the ECP from there so it just goes to show that we were really fucking far away. The drive into that area itself took like half an hour.
So we drove around mars and it was a like an extreme off-road experience. We continued in and came across a couple of full sized excavators and a bulldozer. Since Marina South Yao was making so much noise about using an excavator.
Gary hopped into the smaller one and then it was like winning the lottery. THE KEY WAS STILL IN THE IGNITION. He turned it on and started moving the levers and everything. He didn't get the hang of moving much so all he did was dump dirt all over the place. Aresha started the bulldozer and all she could do was lift the shovel up and down. She couldn't move forward and all. Yao then got into the larger excavator, switched on the headlights and went NUTS!
It's as if he was corrupted by the power of that excavator. He kept slamming it into the ground making it shake a little. He went around and almost TOPPLED the huge excavator. After awhile of playing we all got a bit worried cause it was almost 4am already. Ungku said the muslim workers might wake up early to eat and stuff so it was more than enough reason to stop. Yao couldn't hear and just kept playing with it and almost hit small! It got a little scary but he came out in the end. We drove along a safer route back and very quietly went past the worker's quarters and parked the buggies where we got them.
After running out, we all went down to simpang so Ungku could eat before he started to puasa and they were all talking about drum and bass politics so I just slept on the table after finishing my milo.
Reached home, bathed and finally slept at 6.30am. Whenever I recall whatever happened, I still can't believe it. Haha. Pictures courtesy of ungku will be up soon!
So will pictures of graduation! Adieu!
Aresha, Celine, Yao, Gary, Small, Ungku, Peter and I first went to Toa Payoh, the industrial area next to the golf course thing. We picked up a bag and 3 helmetfuls of golf balls and deliberated on what we were gonna do with them. First we thought of rolling them down mount faber, throwing it off a brigde, throwing it into some.. water place, then finally we decided on going to Marina South. To do what exactly with the golf balls, we had no idea.
We went there and walked around the park only to just take a piss and watch some midnight amazing race nonsense going on. After that, gary came up with some CRAZY idea to go throw the golf balls at the bangla's sleeping quarters under the ECP at fort road. If we were though, we'd have to bail as fast as we could cause only god knows how many banglas populate that site and it was so ULU.
We walked all the way in, only to come across a GOLF BUGGY hidden away in some corner. We shoved keys, coins, and safety pins into the ignition and it STARTED! Courtesy of Ungku. So we are very very thankful to him.
We drove the buggy out of the construction site back under the ECP, but one wasn't enough. While me, celine, ungku and peter threw golf balls at each other, the rest went in to hijack one more!
Nuts. They drove it out and we all hopped in and went for a few rounds here and there. Then gary and aresha came up with the brilliant idea of going BACK into the construction site where a possible hundred banglas were sleeping in their containers. We had to go back in to reach a helipad which was hidden and the only way to get there way to drive along the man-made coast. So we drove, while being whacked over and over by branches and making sure we didn't topple over the slope.
There was a branch in the way which was impossible to push up (it was still attached to a tree). Yao was in the first buggy just shouting LEFT CHIONG LEFT CHIONG and we in the second buggy tried to follow suit. We ended up crashing into the branch, breaking the front of the roof and the buggy went UP. We decided to left chiong a little bit more and got through.
We saw 2 coast guard boats go by so we stopped and prayed they didn't see us. Once we were out of their view we continued on and on. The place is so fucking ulu I swear.
The helipad was closed off so we went back onto the main path and went into this GIGANTIC WIDE OPEN SPACE that looked like the surface of the planet Mars. I swear. There was dirt everywhere and no trees for about a few km radius. We could see the ECP from there so it just goes to show that we were really fucking far away. The drive into that area itself took like half an hour.
So we drove around mars and it was a like an extreme off-road experience. We continued in and came across a couple of full sized excavators and a bulldozer. Since Marina South Yao was making so much noise about using an excavator.
Gary hopped into the smaller one and then it was like winning the lottery. THE KEY WAS STILL IN THE IGNITION. He turned it on and started moving the levers and everything. He didn't get the hang of moving much so all he did was dump dirt all over the place. Aresha started the bulldozer and all she could do was lift the shovel up and down. She couldn't move forward and all. Yao then got into the larger excavator, switched on the headlights and went NUTS!
It's as if he was corrupted by the power of that excavator. He kept slamming it into the ground making it shake a little. He went around and almost TOPPLED the huge excavator. After awhile of playing we all got a bit worried cause it was almost 4am already. Ungku said the muslim workers might wake up early to eat and stuff so it was more than enough reason to stop. Yao couldn't hear and just kept playing with it and almost hit small! It got a little scary but he came out in the end. We drove along a safer route back and very quietly went past the worker's quarters and parked the buggies where we got them.
After running out, we all went down to simpang so Ungku could eat before he started to puasa and they were all talking about drum and bass politics so I just slept on the table after finishing my milo.
Reached home, bathed and finally slept at 6.30am. Whenever I recall whatever happened, I still can't believe it. Haha. Pictures courtesy of ungku will be up soon!
So will pictures of graduation! Adieu!
Saturday, October 15, 2005
STUPID SD CARD! Why the hell is it so screwed up? Why doesn't my computer read the fucking card? If it doesn't work I can borrow my sister's, BUT I TOOK NICE PICTURES TODAY!!
I have to find a way to salvage the goddamn pictures. Then reformat the card. Ahhh I dunnoooo what to dooooo.
And I think the error has transferred onto my computer if that's even possible. Oh sob, oh cry.
To make matters worse, the Vans shoes I wanted oh-so-badly only comes in men's sizes!! Which is 10 and 10 and half. It's no consolation at all.
So I think sunday I shall go on a sneaker hunt. Cause I have money for sneakers and I just HAVE TO BUY SOMETHING.
On a lighter note, I had a helluva good time today! It was so so so much fun I tells you.
STUPID SD CARD! Why the hell is it so screwed up? Why doesn't my computer read the fucking card? If it doesn't work I can borrow my sister's, BUT I TOOK NICE PICTURES TODAY!!
I have to find a way to salvage the goddamn pictures. Then reformat the card. Ahhh I dunnoooo what to dooooo.
And I think the error has transferred onto my computer if that's even possible. Oh sob, oh cry.
To make matters worse, the Vans shoes I wanted oh-so-badly only comes in men's sizes!! Which is 10 and 10 and half. It's no consolation at all.
So I think sunday I shall go on a sneaker hunt. Cause I have money for sneakers and I just HAVE TO BUY SOMETHING.
On a lighter note, I had a helluva good time today! It was so so so much fun I tells you.
Thursday, October 13, 2005
ahh! the last day of school's tomorrow! the horror!
Sigh. I'm bringing my camera tomorrow. Sure, I'll be back another day blahblah so what, but I guess it means more on the very last day of actual school. As students of bedok view. We're not students of BV anymore as of saturday! So it does make a difference.
Gonna be lunching at Seoul Garden with Mrs Tan at TM tomorrow with, fortunately, some of my favourite people. Jean, Carlos, Manpreet and Hao ma. I mean Jun Hao. Haha.
What a wonderful way to end the 4 oh-so-long years in secondary school.
Aresha might be coming for graduation haha. Solly ahx! No denim skirts, beach shorts, spaghetti straps, tubes or t shirts! Your favourite attire as far as I know. And no slippers either.
After that i'll be whisked away back home to celebrate celine's 21st! Gosh, she's 21. I better buy her someching.
I met her on the way back from the mrt station a couple of days ago. At first I didn't notice her, till I saw her nice bag then noticed her unique neck piercing. She thinks aresha's coming back in november! Harhar! She bought ash a batman mug too! How nice.
Bio mock ezzem today was kinda chicken feet. I didn't study, but it was the June 2005 O level paper so naturally it was easier. We all managed to finish the full paper in 2 hours! 2 HOURS! The time allocated normally is 2hrs 45mins, paper 1 and paper 2 both.
I wrote rubbish for essay questions though.
Mr zaldy's physics classes are kinda silly. A class for those who want quality passes, and a class for those who just want to pass. Any sane person would sigh up for the former. Even if they failed science miserably.
I wonder if aresha will get adjusted to the cefiro easily. It's super long and hard to park. Nothing aresha can't handle, or so I think. When she comes back at 1am on saturday, I wanna go out with her. Anywhere. Down the road or whatever. Just somewhere. Or even for a car ride. I've sat in the cefiro such a miserable number of times. It's sad.
I haven't even sat in the front yet! How fucking sad is that. I think I wanna cry now.
Bah. Ok. I think i'll practise the paper 2s of the gazillion school prelim papers that miss tan very happily distributed the other day.
Gonna be lunching at Seoul Garden with Mrs Tan at TM tomorrow with, fortunately, some of my favourite people. Jean, Carlos, Manpreet and Hao ma. I mean Jun Hao. Haha.
What a wonderful way to end the 4 oh-so-long years in secondary school.
Aresha might be coming for graduation haha. Solly ahx! No denim skirts, beach shorts, spaghetti straps, tubes or t shirts! Your favourite attire as far as I know. And no slippers either.
After that i'll be whisked away back home to celebrate celine's 21st! Gosh, she's 21. I better buy her someching.
I met her on the way back from the mrt station a couple of days ago. At first I didn't notice her, till I saw her nice bag then noticed her unique neck piercing. She thinks aresha's coming back in november! Harhar! She bought ash a batman mug too! How nice.
Bio mock ezzem today was kinda chicken feet. I didn't study, but it was the June 2005 O level paper so naturally it was easier. We all managed to finish the full paper in 2 hours! 2 HOURS! The time allocated normally is 2hrs 45mins, paper 1 and paper 2 both.
I wrote rubbish for essay questions though.
Mr zaldy's physics classes are kinda silly. A class for those who want quality passes, and a class for those who just want to pass. Any sane person would sigh up for the former. Even if they failed science miserably.
I wonder if aresha will get adjusted to the cefiro easily. It's super long and hard to park. Nothing aresha can't handle, or so I think. When she comes back at 1am on saturday, I wanna go out with her. Anywhere. Down the road or whatever. Just somewhere. Or even for a car ride. I've sat in the cefiro such a miserable number of times. It's sad.
I haven't even sat in the front yet! How fucking sad is that. I think I wanna cry now.
Bah. Ok. I think i'll practise the paper 2s of the gazillion school prelim papers that miss tan very happily distributed the other day.
Monday, October 10, 2005
i'm sorry ms jackson! WOO! i am for REAAAAL!
HURH. Hiatus my backside man. English was terrible. I was sitting in the bloody centre row perspiring my ass off. Since I was too arsed to do my summary, I wrote down every single thing i'd do after the o's. As much as I could think of.
I dunno why I didn't just skip school today. Then again, I can't bring myself to ponteng during this period. I'm always so afraid they'd go through something I don't know and i'll end up losing out.
Apologies to shila for almost killing her with the poke of doom.
I'm on a downloading frenzy. Downloading outkast and system of a down and this and that and a lot of other theengs lah. Areeesha's coming back on saturday and she wants to come for my graduation. I told her cannot already but maybe I can find a way lah.
Bio thing's gonna be LUNCH instead of dinner. Bah. So unfair. At least I can have tuition, bathe change all and go, but noooo, everyone wants to have LUNCH, after school, sticky and smelly. Howell, it's Seoul Garden so NEMIND.
I feel like buying a new cd, but maybe i'll pick up something for Celine instead. Her b'day's coming soon and all, so yeah.
And my lord, I think I just saw the most beautiful pair of shoes in the entire vurld.
I don't have a picture, but they're VANS slip ons or something. And they're fucking beautiful I says. You know the checkered thingies some people's shoes have, yeah it has that, but it's RED on a beige base. My god.
Eighty fucking nine yollars.
I guess i'll do it the old fashioned way and save up. Unless pa feels inclined to reward me for being good. But he never feels inclined to buy anyone anything for any occasion, so the good ol' way it is then! I just hope it's not gone by the time I have enough.
The bahluls are going to some place called Mark's Place this wednesday to buka puasa. Yiling and I were asked as well but SHE'S GOING FOR QUIDAM. So I dunno, I don't think I can galavant any where I want on any day just yet. I'll try my luck though, it IS the last week of school.
Yesterday I met yigang and surin at Simpang. Then we played jungle speed at the park. It's fun lah, I admit it, but when you lose, you really fucking lose man.
Then we started throwing things at each other. It was fun ok!
Someone buy me those vans shoes plskthx.
I dunno why I didn't just skip school today. Then again, I can't bring myself to ponteng during this period. I'm always so afraid they'd go through something I don't know and i'll end up losing out.
Apologies to shila for almost killing her with the poke of doom.
I'm on a downloading frenzy. Downloading outkast and system of a down and this and that and a lot of other theengs lah. Areeesha's coming back on saturday and she wants to come for my graduation. I told her cannot already but maybe I can find a way lah.
Bio thing's gonna be LUNCH instead of dinner. Bah. So unfair. At least I can have tuition, bathe change all and go, but noooo, everyone wants to have LUNCH, after school, sticky and smelly. Howell, it's Seoul Garden so NEMIND.
I feel like buying a new cd, but maybe i'll pick up something for Celine instead. Her b'day's coming soon and all, so yeah.
And my lord, I think I just saw the most beautiful pair of shoes in the entire vurld.
I don't have a picture, but they're VANS slip ons or something. And they're fucking beautiful I says. You know the checkered thingies some people's shoes have, yeah it has that, but it's RED on a beige base. My god.
Eighty fucking nine yollars.
I guess i'll do it the old fashioned way and save up. Unless pa feels inclined to reward me for being good. But he never feels inclined to buy anyone anything for any occasion, so the good ol' way it is then! I just hope it's not gone by the time I have enough.
The bahluls are going to some place called Mark's Place this wednesday to buka puasa. Yiling and I were asked as well but SHE'S GOING FOR QUIDAM. So I dunno, I don't think I can galavant any where I want on any day just yet. I'll try my luck though, it IS the last week of school.
Yesterday I met yigang and surin at Simpang. Then we played jungle speed at the park. It's fun lah, I admit it, but when you lose, you really fucking lose man.
Then we started throwing things at each other. It was fun ok!
Someone buy me those vans shoes plskthx.
Friday, October 07, 2005
I got 16 for my L1R5! If I can go to MJC i'll go, TPJC i'm not so sure.
English was the biggest disappointment ever. From feeling like I was on cloud nine for a solid 10 minutes, I was sent plunging down to the murky depths of getting-a-B-for-English-dom.
I have NEVER, EVER gotten a 26 for any compo. Neither have I ever gotten a 47/60 overall. For an exposition!! TYS FAILED my mid year exposition! And suddenly now she wants to give me excellent marks. Not that i'm complaining =D =D =D
BUT, paper 2 was the real kicker. Failed by half a fucking mark. AHH MR ANGULIA (spelling?), I thought he was cute, until he marked my paper. Ugh.
A B4 for english. Then we had geog mock exam, of which I put in LOADS of effort to make up for the shitty mark I got for the prelims. I was the only one writing away when everyone else was napping. A bit crazy, yeah, but I regret getting such a low mark. SO THERE.
THEN A MATH! WOO I GOT AN A2!!! AHH!! A FUCKING A2!! Amaaaazing man. From B4s after B4s this paper really gave me a pleasant surprise.
My tutor's proud of me, but still believes I have A1 potential. I now believe I have A1 potential for A math! Just a litttttle bit more, I know I can make it if I really try.
So yep. I guess overall i'm happy with my L1R5, though I really really wish I could've gotten that A for english. At least i'll have no Cs in my report book, apart from malay.
Okeyokeyokey gonna visit the grandfather soon. I'll come back and maybe watch the other episodes of the OC season 3! Yay!
English was the biggest disappointment ever. From feeling like I was on cloud nine for a solid 10 minutes, I was sent plunging down to the murky depths of getting-a-B-for-English-dom.
I have NEVER, EVER gotten a 26 for any compo. Neither have I ever gotten a 47/60 overall. For an exposition!! TYS FAILED my mid year exposition! And suddenly now she wants to give me excellent marks. Not that i'm complaining =D =D =D
BUT, paper 2 was the real kicker. Failed by half a fucking mark. AHH MR ANGULIA (spelling?), I thought he was cute, until he marked my paper. Ugh.
A B4 for english. Then we had geog mock exam, of which I put in LOADS of effort to make up for the shitty mark I got for the prelims. I was the only one writing away when everyone else was napping. A bit crazy, yeah, but I regret getting such a low mark. SO THERE.
THEN A MATH! WOO I GOT AN A2!!! AHH!! A FUCKING A2!! Amaaaazing man. From B4s after B4s this paper really gave me a pleasant surprise.
My tutor's proud of me, but still believes I have A1 potential. I now believe I have A1 potential for A math! Just a litttttle bit more, I know I can make it if I really try.
So yep. I guess overall i'm happy with my L1R5, though I really really wish I could've gotten that A for english. At least i'll have no Cs in my report book, apart from malay.
Okeyokeyokey gonna visit the grandfather soon. I'll come back and maybe watch the other episodes of the OC season 3! Yay!
Thursday, October 06, 2005
lucky lucky i'm so lucky!

Weehoo! It's nothing short of VUNDERFUL. Although, it's kinda like coldplay's X&Y, it grows on you, unlike their first album! Their first album was indescribable. I fell in love with it almost immediately. *oh noes fangirl mode!* I think I'll go out on a limb and say Alex Kapranos is hot.
School's been half and half. I feel so half and half. Mock ezzems have been a complete DRAG. I promised myself to study like I would for formal ezzems, but no luck so far.
So far, I have my fingers crossed for an L1R5 of 16. I think that in itself would give me a helluva boost. If not, i'll settle for at least >20.
Muahahahaha. FIRST FOR BIO BABY!
Happy happy happy happy happy. Pooja was gushing to Siewlin about how she got an A2 and is SO gonna beat me for the o's. Siewlin calculated her overall bio marks, and turns out she got a B4.
Same case for E Math. Minus the beating me part. Bah, right after I found it in me to praise her for her good ball-catching skills in the captain's ball game during our LAST p.e lesson. Sob.
Old habits die hard.
There are so many things to say about graduating. I'm psyched, i'm sad, i'm exhausted, i'm... not looking forward to it.
I guess what they don't realise it that things won't be the same. NOTHING, I repeat, NOTHING compares to secondary school. My sister, her friends, my dad, everyone's been telling me that the best time ever is in secondary school. Once you're in JC or Poly, you're neck deep in projects and vurk, and consistency is the only key to doing well.
And uni? Well let's not get ahead of ourselves.
I know things won't be the same between my friends and I. Fatimah can barely go out, and everyone will start to break apart.
'Cept the 4/2 monkeys though. Haha I bet me and yiling will be the only girls staying over at the chalet, AGAIN. I don't think it would've been more fun any other way though, right yiling?
I hope to see myself herding the bahluls and call them out for regular movies and crazy outings. I'm sure they'd do the same!
That aside, i've got sleepovers and parties in mind, so you people better not change your numbers or you can't come. So.. either way it's your loss!
The engrand trip's still very much unconfirmed. Why is it always like that. I can't stand it. If you're NOT ACTUALLY bothered to go anywhere outside fucking SOUTHEAST ASIA then don't talk about anything else please!!! Don't get my hopes up! I hate that! I always end up finding myself daydreaming about the flight, the people, the clothes, the crazy amount of pictures i'd take, just EVERYTHING.
So much so, that I think i'd appreciate going somewhere new more than anything else. I didn't do well enough for the prelims so I don't deserve to go? Fair enough, but next time I don't wanna hear about anymore empty promises. You either bring me irregardless of my results, or don't talk about it at all if it involves results.
Back to graduating. It's time to move on, from the (mostly) awesome teachers, the tiring homeroom system, the random assemblys (assemblies? what?), going for Grad Night (gone 4 years in a row, hmm, then again why should it stop this year? hurhur), the good and bad results, doing homework (or lack thereof), the P.E lessons, disturbing relief teachers, CCA jumping (i'm pro ok), after-school house trips, prata lunches, disturbing lower sec goons....
Ahh I can go on and on forEVAR. As much as everyone doesn't exactly think the best of Bedok View, I think it works out for everyone in the end, it's just that the outcome depends on how much you put into it.
Blah. I like villa wellness. I KNOW I won't like that new show, Extreme Japan. I'm sick of seeing the same faces over and over and over. Don't get me wrong, I FUCKING WORSHIP Japan, to the point where I randomly babble in Japanese to Japanese people I don't even know. I don't understand why they can't JUST GET RID OF ALL OF THEM. Have auditions! We'd like to see new faces already!
Yey I downloaded the first 4 episodes of the OC season 3! Now all I need is a coke, and a Rafidah.
Monday, October 03, 2005
Ohh twinkle twinkle littlest star, how I wonder what you-a are.
I've sent it to a gazillion people, and I don't see why aresha won't burn this into a CD and play it on loop in the cefiro till our ears bleed.
My DAD emailed me that. Haha. He emails me random things.
Been awhile since a blogged, and of course i'd blog about RESULTS.
I goootttt.... B4s for 2 subjects. Two. Whole. Fucking. Subjects. I wanna kill myself over those two. I'm hoping one of it can be pushed up to a B3, but the other... ahh such a fucking disappointment.
Science chemistry and HUMANITIES.
My SS was a fucking 35/50!!! That's an A2!!!
I won't disclose my geography marks. I didn't fail, but I almost did. This just goes to show that you shouldn't drink too much water during papers, and ALWAYS go pee.
E math really cheered me up today. Got a borderline A1, but hey! I got an A1! So I'm happy flappy again, no matter how hard Andrew tries to find ways to prevent me from getting an A1.
Bio, 33/40 for both MCQ and practical. Main paper, notchet. MR HAO MA, I mean JUN HAO, got 37 and 34.5 respectively. WTF MATE?
Eskiew me, you are challenging my supremacy! You VANT TO DIE IS IT.
No la just kidding. If you get 1st, I will shake your hand, if i'm not shaking enough from crying my eyeballs out.
You studied hard enough, so you deserve it budday. Besides! This gives me more reason to push myself for the O's! Rar!
Blahblahblah got period today urgh.
I watched corpse bride! It's nothing short of BRILLIANT! A real typical tim burton. The characters, the actors, the musicals, everything! WOo! It was sad too, but I definitely would have enjoyed it more WITHOUT the period and cramps.
Ma's bufday today. I got the The Italian CD. I had no idea what it was called, but looked out for the CD cover at the shop. Couldn't find it, so I ended up having to ask the cashier.
"Ummm, do you sell... The... Italian MAN?"
"The what?"
"That italian guy singer thing.... Person."
"The italian guy? What?"
"That guy! The italian guy on the advertisement... Umm.."
"Ohhh, pedrizioorwhateverthefuckhisnameis?"
"Yes yes that one that one!"
Painful it was. And I finally changed my purse! I actually used the playboy one najib and salman gave me for my birthday for half a year. I bought a fluffy pink one that you could sleep on.
So yep. Now me and pa have this elaborate plan to surprise ma with cake and flowers when she comes home. More updates soon, either that or i'll be going on indefinite hiatus, save for a couple of photo albums in a few weeks.
I've sent it to a gazillion people, and I don't see why aresha won't burn this into a CD and play it on loop in the cefiro till our ears bleed.
My DAD emailed me that. Haha. He emails me random things.
Been awhile since a blogged, and of course i'd blog about RESULTS.
I goootttt.... B4s for 2 subjects. Two. Whole. Fucking. Subjects. I wanna kill myself over those two. I'm hoping one of it can be pushed up to a B3, but the other... ahh such a fucking disappointment.
Science chemistry and HUMANITIES.
My SS was a fucking 35/50!!! That's an A2!!!
I won't disclose my geography marks. I didn't fail, but I almost did. This just goes to show that you shouldn't drink too much water during papers, and ALWAYS go pee.
E math really cheered me up today. Got a borderline A1, but hey! I got an A1! So I'm happy flappy again, no matter how hard Andrew tries to find ways to prevent me from getting an A1.
Bio, 33/40 for both MCQ and practical. Main paper, notchet. MR HAO MA, I mean JUN HAO, got 37 and 34.5 respectively. WTF MATE?
Eskiew me, you are challenging my supremacy! You VANT TO DIE IS IT.
No la just kidding. If you get 1st, I will shake your hand, if i'm not shaking enough from crying my eyeballs out.
You studied hard enough, so you deserve it budday. Besides! This gives me more reason to push myself for the O's! Rar!
Blahblahblah got period today urgh.
I watched corpse bride! It's nothing short of BRILLIANT! A real typical tim burton. The characters, the actors, the musicals, everything! WOo! It was sad too, but I definitely would have enjoyed it more WITHOUT the period and cramps.
Ma's bufday today. I got the The Italian CD. I had no idea what it was called, but looked out for the CD cover at the shop. Couldn't find it, so I ended up having to ask the cashier.
"Ummm, do you sell... The... Italian MAN?"
"The what?"
"That italian guy singer thing.... Person."
"The italian guy? What?"
"That guy! The italian guy on the advertisement... Umm.."
"Ohhh, pedrizioorwhateverthefuckhisnameis?"
"Yes yes that one that one!"
Painful it was. And I finally changed my purse! I actually used the playboy one najib and salman gave me for my birthday for half a year. I bought a fluffy pink one that you could sleep on.
So yep. Now me and pa have this elaborate plan to surprise ma with cake and flowers when she comes home. More updates soon, either that or i'll be going on indefinite hiatus, save for a couple of photo albums in a few weeks.
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