Went to nani's house just now to pick up some chapatis and dhal for ma. She lectured me on how I should stay away from boys since it's my o level year and stuff.
Translated from malay:
"If a boy ever says hello, just ignore them."
"Only get a boyfriend after your degree."
Instead of saying maid, she says POMPUAN. Really. She doesn't say orang gaji or pembantu. She calls them pompuans.
It was fun, and I bought subway on the way home. Another stamp to my collection!
I just realised that subway ROCKS. Ok not just. Maybe more than before.
I'm getting red bands tomorrow! Gonna be all patriotic for national day. Can't wait! The celebrations, I presume, are gonna be loads of fun. Well it's always fun with the bahluls.
Are people assuming we're a clique? I guess so lah. The word CLIQUE itself is overused. We aren't a clique, anybody that joins us is a bahlul. We call people we hate bahluls. So it all works out just fine.
Bapok haikel called me and fatimah hypocrites yesterday as we were going to mr fathul's class. Does he even know what hypocrites are? I'm doubtful. I should've told him that. Stupid bapok.
Candies Inc. can kiss my candy ass.
That's become my favourite line since yesterday.
New pictures up! Racial harmony and some random beach trip with surin.
Some people LOVE the unfinished class page I did. Miss ong said it was messy, but original. Hui yi's doing a brand new one, so no hard feelings ok elsinta? Apparently she and justina fought about jie yu drawing our class page. I can't blame her lah, i'd feel the same way.
I wish I had more time to do the class page. I think it'd be fucking funny, fatimah as a giant head monster, xin hui as a superhero trying to save the day, brian pointing at fatimah shouting propaganda, john half naked and squashed, sufong as the eternally laughing sun and rafidah sneezing and blowing people away.
Worst come to worst we'll just draw a giant love web. With miss tan in the middle.
Oh oh oh i'm in the stupid inter house captain's ball thingo! See lah aiyoh, all the playing has forced me to join, all the PE sessions, the SVC tourney, but i'm not that good at all!
My catching SUCKS cause I don't jump for the ball. Really. I get so scared man. And I don't wanna be the reason why fullerton loses!!!
I'm glad they're moderating the number of netball/basketball players on each team. Cause fullerton has only 2 netball players, and they're charissa and yi chiao. While others have fatimah, nurul, fi and su.
ARGH. Another ear stud broke. I've been having bad luck with studs since I lost my previous ones.
Ash is laughing for no reason again. Pa's getting all frustrated with him cause his laughter isn't exactly soft. And if things don't go his way, he'll work up and get violent. I think all he needs is a good tight slap, the idiot. I tell you, if he ruins national day, i'll personally kill him.
I feel like watching a movie. But since aresha took all the dvds, i'm just gonna have to rely on HBO and the rest of the cable channels.
Ho hum.
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