Friday, June 17, 2005

Can you hear the moosick? Yes no?

Me maliam and surin are going to the percussion thing tomorrow. I really hope its good. I heard there's malay percussion and stuff, and malay percussion is one of my favourites, so yeah. I think after that we're going to the Miss Cafe place. Just to let them see the place. Maybe they'll stop hanging out at Raimah's bahaha. Ok fat hopes.

Andrew backed out last night so in the end we all didn't meet up at Simpang. Erlyta was really disappointed. Andrew, you moron.

Okay I have GOT TO STOP DRINKING 6 PACKETS OF MILO A DAY. This is my 3rd round. Pa keeps buying cause I told him it helps alleviate my period cramps. And it's true! Try it out. I only took 2 panadols this time round. My personal record is zero though.

Grad night is drawing ever so close. If maliam's in a good mood she'll wear a ...BLANKITY BLANK. I shan't say it here cause she might change her mind then it'll be no fun.

I can't wait though... I haven't dressed up in donkey years.

My progress in chrono cross has been significant. I should be able to finish the game by the time school starts, which is my target. So after all that playing, I shouldn't really feel any more urges to play the playstation or ps2 throughout semester 2 till the end of the o's.

I hope.

Yay I downloaded Anchorman! And Sin City! I watched Zoolander already, now I just need to have Fatimah watch it. She'll love it.

So what to wear tomorrow. Maybe just sneakers and my kinki pants. You know those really baggy loose green sleeping pants. Yes sleeping pants. They're THAT comfortable.

Hmm. What a boring entry.

Oh yeaaaahhh, that Chris FTC is a weirdo man. He takes surin's, mariam's and raihan's pictures and makes them his own. How convenient. And takes random quotes off people's blogs and says them in his. I tagged his board, so did mariam, and now his blog is down. Pussy whipped faggot maggot.


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