Tuesday, April 09, 2013

going green

I don't know how many people out there have thought about changing certain aspects of their lives to go green. In the process of my education I have discovered 1) I will probably never come close to the financial success that people have always associated with the veterinary profession, and 2) I will probably be living like a miser. And it's also in this process I've realised that while financial prosperity would be something I'm sure nobody has any qualms about having, I don't necessarily want it.

A general practitioner during our rotations told us something that has been resounding in my head for the last couple of months. The fact that yes, we will not be big pimpin' and living the high life like our human medical counterparts (dentists?) but why live these excessively consumer driven lives? The earth can't sustain it, FACT.

There's a difference between being rich and flaunting it and living a flambunctious (I just made up a new word there) lifestyle, and having a good amount of money and living a comfortable life. And in my case, probably not having much at all and still feeling pretty happy about it. When I think of my future, I think of a space that isn't bigger than it has to be, filled with vintage treasures and giving things a new lease on life. My housemate does this pretty well and at most times my laziness gets the better of me (but I blame being an unmotivated student). I am never going to buy another brand new book. It's e-books and 2nd hand books for me now. Prior to tablets, I think I've bludgeoned through a forest worth of paper printing notes and buying textbooks.

I look forward to the day I buy a car that's better for the environment, install solar panels, use rainwater, and ultimately grow my own food. I don't know about vegetables though, but I know enough to run a small rag-tag group of animals and give them the best life. Who knows, maybe I'll grow to love them so much that I will never bring myself to eat them (oh god the thought of being vegetarian is making my brain feel a little hazy).

So at the moment I know I have a few things to work on. I know my showers are just a bit long and I keep my computer on sleep mode far too much. But I don't accelerate excessively and I sort out as much recycling as I can from all my garbage. I used to have green bags so I've just made a mental note that I need to start that again. Every dog I get in the future will be adopted.

Maybe my kids too.

Friday, February 08, 2013

how to deal with an accident 101

I've decided to do up an entry on the Do's and Don't's of what to do when you get into an accident.  If you, like me pre-January 2013, have no idea what actually elapses if you have the misfortune of getting into an accident, this could be helpful.

So here we go.

BANG! Accident. Oh shit. Shock and horror, maybe you start crying. Take a second or two to calm yourself. Get out of your car ASAP and make sure nobody's hurt and nothing is on fire, and that no fuel is leaking (if any of this is the case call the police right away). Check on the other driver and make sure they're okay, help them out of their car if they need it.

If you are causing a major traffic obstruction, try and safely move your cars off the road. People watching accidents tend to cause more accidents. Call the police and make a report. They may or may not send a car down.

Okay, you're both safe and it wasn't your fault. Or it was. Or it was both of you at fault. SAY NOTHING ABOUT IT. Do not utter a word. Don't even say sorry (even if it's your fault). If the other party is a hysterical lunatic DON'T be tempted to say sorry to defuse the situation like I did (I need to harden up).

Pen and paper, phone whatever, exchange the following details;
Phone number
License number
Registration number
Insurance details (basically the company name is enough)

Take lots of photos of everything. The accident site, ALL the damage to the cars, as thoroughly as you can. Remember exactly where it happened if you can, because you will need to indicate this on paper and over the phone to your insurance company.

Lastly, call your insurance company and tell them what happened, every last detail if you can (how long you were waiting at an intersection, road signs, speed limits etc). They'll usually ask you all the relevant questions and guide you along with the process.

And done! The excess will have to be paid and depending on your insurance policy and who's fault it was the outcomes are different in terms of your excess. Your fault/both at fault? Excess not refunded, and be grumpy for a few weeks. Not your fault? Smile, get your excess back and your shiny fixed car back. 

Thursday, January 31, 2013

just dropkick

This scenario has been playing in my head all week. Ever since starting uni once again, i've had moments where I was put on the spot, asked a question about something I vaguely remember reading once last year for an exam. And didn't know the answer. Or knew it, but had no confidence in what I knew. And times where I've forgotten to do something, and other times where I wanted to say something, but didn't, then regretted it. Too much going on.

So each time any of the above happens, my mind immediately conjures an image of myself dropkicking my notebook. It's rather comical. My notebook isn't particularly great for dropkicking but amongst all my belongings at the time I felt it was the easiest I could part with in case I broke it (vs say... my phone or stethoscope, and a pen would be quite hard to dropkick). Today it all came to a boil and I finally dropkicked my notebook.

RxWorks, is a program that never disappoints in the disappointment department because it never actually works. Just dropkick.

Get into an accident that puts your car out of commission? Just dropkick.

Insurance company ruled against you despite the other driver being a reckless hack? Just dropkick.

Popped the cap of your phone bill to astronomical proportions? Just dropkick.

Answered a question wrong? Dropkick.

Spent 4 hours on an assignment worth nothing? Just dropkick.

Thank god tomorrow is Friday. I hope February brings better things.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

milestone in life : got into a car accident

Not really gonna go into details, except to say that it was NOT my fault and that this lady was insane pulling out across oncoming traffic and into my way and then proceeded to blame me for it.

Somehow the insurance company isn't giving me quite the vote of confidence I needed to get my excess refunded (1.3k :O) but I've done everything I can. Also, the people I love have been such angels. First my parents said they were proud of me (lol?) and told me not to worry, it's just a car and most importantly I am safe. Despite Bidina's malfunctioning thermostat she drove about 30 minutes out of her way to work to send me to Richmond and Asami offered to drive me home the next morning after we had a night out of drinks and seeing Empra at the Corner Hotel in Richmond. Just as I was wrapping up my rather disappointing holidays. Oh well. TIME TO LOOK FORWARD GO!

Tuesday, January 01, 2013

to answer all your questions

At this point in my life, the answer is bleah. Hopefully the only post about this shit low point in my life, I don't want any more reminders. And excuses to wallow.

Hello 2013! Big big plans you have for me and my life. Let's just keep looking forward, like a horse with blinders on.

(in 2012, I went for a massive Melbourne to Sydney coastal road trip with David Cooper for about 2 weeks. It was fantastic, saw and did things I thought only occurred in the recesses of my imagination.

I completed 3 weeks of equine placement at a equine clinic I shall not name. Had a great time and at the same time didn't. Too much going on at the same time as nothing at all. You like my riddles? Cemented my interest in horses but didn't get enough out of it. Ah well, lessons learnt.

Instead of coming home, I decided to spend my first full Aussie summer here since I had fewer holidays to play with and felt like spending Christmas and New Year's here with David and his family would be a good idea. And also to work heaps and earn some good moolah for graduation and the like. Boy did one and a half of those ideas fall flat on their asses.)