Wednesday, August 31, 2011


I'm 56kg again OMG!

Words cannot describe my happiness. I haven't been 56kg in over a year! What a wonderful feeling. Now I can look at myself in jeans in the mirror and not cringe because I don't have gigantic love handles anymore! I have yet to try my corset on, i'm going to wait a little longer till I do.

The best but most puzzling thing is I haven't gone down a cup size. Which is weird but maybe it'll take awhile. I love being indian!

Now i'll aim for 53kg, I wonder how long that will take.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

mmm small android update

Last weekend was spent at a scouts camp on mt martha. Best weekend so far this year. Blacklights and fluoro paint and crazy games. What made it so great though was definitely the people that made the effort to drive down and burn a weekend of study together. ahhhh.....

And yet again it's back to the reality of school and deadlines. so many assignments this semester... coupled with harder subjects. meh.

But right now, I just want to figure out how to get photos onto this entry straight off this phone.