Seriously. This week flew by and drained me of every last bit of energy. I hope i'm getting my braces off tomorrow, but it's unlikely. Today we had 5 rounds around the track today to be completed under 15 minutes. I miraculously made in within 13. 2mins. Not bad. Ran 4 and a half, walked half a round.
So what happened this week? Letsee... Internship meeting was on Wednesday. Kim Wakerman signed up for internship, and apparently she's nice. We gave the interns their briefing and stuff, so now friendship week is all up to them. I got to know the sweetest group of J1 girls too - Hani, Raihan and Sharifah. There's a few others too, but these 3 are the most adorable of the lot. They're only a year younger than me but I feel so older-sisterly to them. They're all of rojak races and they're nothing short of gorgeous too. I am not a lesbian.
But seriously. You'd expect good-looking JC people to be all bitchy and stuff, but they were incredibly sweet to me. Raihan has the most contagious screaming laughter. It gets to people who don't know her, but that's just her natural laugh. She's got a bob of a hairstyle and i've never seen anyone pull it off better cause it suits her so well. Sharifah's an extremely pretty Arab from Cedar that Hani and Raihan wanna sabo into joining the New Paper's the new face competition or something like that.
Okay anyway. Was taking bus 12 with the three of them and Zahra bongbong home cause it was the bus we all had in common. Hani and Raihan got off with me at Tanah Merah and we stood near the MRT station entrance for about 20 minutes talking about loads more. There was a man leaning back on the steps leading up to the entrance of the station, and facing us, but I didn't think too much of it.
After hugging Raihan goodbye as she walked home towards Bedok View, me and Hani went into the MRT station cause I needed to withdraw money. As we were walking underground, the same man that was facing us earlier was walking in the opposite direction. Only this time his fly was unzipped. And. He wasn't wearing any underwear. And. He KNEW everyone could see it.
Worst part was..... it was sticking out.
It was a split second glance and I immediately turned to Hani with a horrified look on my face. THANKFULLY, she didn't see anything.
I was so paranoid after that, I was feeling insecure about using the toilets at the station.
Gosh. And another thing. He wasn't a bangla or anything of the sort. He was a perfectly normal looking indian man, wearing shirt and pants like he just came back from work from some office job.
Photos I painstakingly sorted through have been uploaded into an entire album on the photo album. An ENTIRE album from yours truly. Well almost all of the photos haha, cause I passed the camera to other people occasionally when I was down with construction work. I've gotta say... i've really outdone myself. Time and time again I've felt so inferior when I see pictures from the pros on DeviantArt, or critique from the real-deal photographers.
Everyone's coming to me and telling me how beautiful the photos are, even postcard worthy! Hehe. Got a bursting happy feeling in my heart but it's being weighed down by the fact that I haven't finished my OCIP presentation to the school! Gotta send it in by todaytodaytoday!
The August 2006 Redeyes mix is my Cambodia mix. I listened to it over and over for the two weeks I was there. And now when I listen to it all I can do is reminisce.
I ALMOST went for ICS (Indian Cultural Society) Orientation today. Backed out in the end cause.... I just couldn't do it. Raushan was gonna scam me into it by spreading vicious rumours about me but I didn't go anyway cause my bongbong would never do that to me! Hahah. His intentions were good though, he and Zahra wanted me to just have fun there with them despite the circumstances. Unfortunately, not only was I too tired, I just wasn't in the mood for it. When
I told my classmates I was gonna go earlier in the day, they had the standard reaction, "WHAT? OMG! YOU? GO ICS? HAHAHA!"
Only because Raushan, Zahra and Rishibha REALLY wanted me to go for some odd reason.
I guess i'll forever be yellow on the inside, like how Raushan says.
Friday, January 19, 2007
Sunday, January 14, 2007
chorray chorray!
I know I said i'd blog yesterday. But due to some unforseen circumstances - namely my brother flinging two laptops out the window onto the roof in the rain - I spent hours drying them and didn't have the time nor energy to blog after sitting through scolding Ash, scolding the maid then watching Borat.
Borat was shitty by the way. I expected to be roaring with laughter after watching his shows. But this movie was just... bad. But I only gather this from watching the beginning and five min intervals after that cause I kept falling asleep.
Tired la.
Today was a nice day though. Chose a new maid named Marie Jean. She's super smiley and according to Aresha has a very cheerful and eager voice. Met Raj after that at Plaza Singapura to watch him eat Carl's Jr cause I wasn't hungry haha. He gave me a 2007 calendar with golden retrievers all over it from perth! It's adorable.
Window shopped and viewed prospective birthday presents for my favourite person. I have my heart set on a certain something but haven't checked the price but I assume its around the price of the others I saw. Or at least I hope so. Walked to the Cathay to catch Deathnote 2, which is one of the shittiest sequels to an awesome movie that i've ever seen.
Window shopped a little more and went home. And now I should get off so I can watch South Park. Yay!
Borat was shitty by the way. I expected to be roaring with laughter after watching his shows. But this movie was just... bad. But I only gather this from watching the beginning and five min intervals after that cause I kept falling asleep.
Tired la.
Today was a nice day though. Chose a new maid named Marie Jean. She's super smiley and according to Aresha has a very cheerful and eager voice. Met Raj after that at Plaza Singapura to watch him eat Carl's Jr cause I wasn't hungry haha. He gave me a 2007 calendar with golden retrievers all over it from perth! It's adorable.
Window shopped and viewed prospective birthday presents for my favourite person. I have my heart set on a certain something but haven't checked the price but I assume its around the price of the others I saw. Or at least I hope so. Walked to the Cathay to catch Deathnote 2, which is one of the shittiest sequels to an awesome movie that i've ever seen.
Window shopped a little more and went home. And now I should get off so I can watch South Park. Yay!
Friday, January 12, 2007
aruna will just never learn from her mistakes.
Will update proper tomorrow! I hope. Cb its damn late though I only have 5 periods of lessons tomorrow, not counting the stupid math test at 2.30pm.
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
picture of the year!
Actually, if I could, i'd put all my nice shots from Cambodia as my pictures of the year. But oh well, doing that just ruins the whole point.

Blogger doesn't want to show its full size. Whatever lah. This golden haired boy's still sickeningly cute.
I don't know if i'll ever publicize my dA account. It seems so nice and personal now. Maybe one day when my photos actually get some sort of higher recognition, which I don't see happening anytime soon. A DSLR is definitely on my list of things to buy after my A'Levels when I start working.
I just have to.
1. DSLR (I guess for now there's no model in particular I want, cause you never know what'll be on the market by then, D80 sounds nice though)
2. Bass guitar
3. PS3
4. A tattoo! Only 1 person knows what i've set my heart on and I assure myself its 100% original, uncheesy and something I won't regret for the next 50 years or so :D
5. Do something super funky to my hair. Like braid my entire head or dye my entire head orange or try dreadlocks or ummm..... yeah that's about it.
That's what I got so far.
Since that one picture turned out pretty small, i'll post a few more.

That's all you get for now. Hehe.

Blogger doesn't want to show its full size. Whatever lah. This golden haired boy's still sickeningly cute.
I don't know if i'll ever publicize my dA account. It seems so nice and personal now. Maybe one day when my photos actually get some sort of higher recognition, which I don't see happening anytime soon. A DSLR is definitely on my list of things to buy after my A'Levels when I start working.
I just have to.
1. DSLR (I guess for now there's no model in particular I want, cause you never know what'll be on the market by then, D80 sounds nice though)
2. Bass guitar
3. PS3
4. A tattoo! Only 1 person knows what i've set my heart on and I assure myself its 100% original, uncheesy and something I won't regret for the next 50 years or so :D
5. Do something super funky to my hair. Like braid my entire head or dye my entire head orange or try dreadlocks or ummm..... yeah that's about it.
That's what I got so far.
Since that one picture turned out pretty small, i'll post a few more.

That's all you get for now. Hehe.
a 1-day-late new year post!
2007. Yay.
Oh and before I start. Sousand apologies for the previous two entries. Wasn't drunk, had just enough so that I didn't have to go through the puking and the hangover the next day. Felt under the weather too so I didn't wanna push it.
So... 2006. I must say if you took away my first year in JC, it probably would've been the shittiest year of my life. If I didn't have school to escape to, despite the mind-numblingly long hours and the shitload of work, I probably would've gone crazy. I guess it's all the interesting people i've gotten to know this past year. And all the interesting people i've gotten to know better :D
Then there was Council, Pre U Sem, OCIP ahhhh it's just all so overwhelming when you really think about it. But whenever I think back i'm thankful for every stressful moment, all those hilarious ones and sad ones at the same time.
Ah i'm not the sappy type. So let's just say 2006's bad things balanced out nicely with good things. And I got ACCCDE for promos so hey ho whatdyouknow it's more good than bad if I do say so myself.
My 2006 to 2007 transition song would have to beee... CRAZY. By Gnarls Barkley.
I dedicate my transition song to my brother. Because he's gone through so much just thinking about it would make me cry. And I hope that i'll always be around for him, because that's what siblings are for.
I remember when, I remember, I remember when I lost my mind
There was something so pleasant about that place.
Even your emotions had an echo
In so much space
And when you're out there
Without care,
Yeah, I was out of touch
But it wasn't because I didn't know enough
I just knew too much
Does that make me crazy?
Does that make me crazy?
Does that make me crazy?
And I hope that you are having the time of your life
But think twice, that's my only advice
Come on now, who do you, who do you, who do you, who do you think you are,
Ha ha ha bless your soul
You really think you're in control
Well, I think you're crazy
I think you're crazy
I think you're crazy
Just like me
My heroes had the heart to lose their lives out on a limb
And all I remember is thinking, I want to be like them
Ever since I was little, ever since I was little it looked like fun
And it's no coincidence I've come
And I can die when I'm done
Maybe I'm crazy
Maybe you're crazy
Maybe we're crazy
In fact, I dedicate everything in 2006 to Ash.
Tomorrow's the first day of school! But the first 3 days will be orientation for Council, OGLs and the new batch so no lessons heheh.
I feel like eating chocolate now. And Final Fantasy 12 is the SHIZ!
*edit* i don't know why the font is so fucked up. it refuses to change. garrr.
Oh and before I start. Sousand apologies for the previous two entries. Wasn't drunk, had just enough so that I didn't have to go through the puking and the hangover the next day. Felt under the weather too so I didn't wanna push it.
So... 2006. I must say if you took away my first year in JC, it probably would've been the shittiest year of my life. If I didn't have school to escape to, despite the mind-numblingly long hours and the shitload of work, I probably would've gone crazy. I guess it's all the interesting people i've gotten to know this past year. And all the interesting people i've gotten to know better :D
Then there was Council, Pre U Sem, OCIP ahhhh it's just all so overwhelming when you really think about it. But whenever I think back i'm thankful for every stressful moment, all those hilarious ones and sad ones at the same time.
Ah i'm not the sappy type. So let's just say 2006's bad things balanced out nicely with good things. And I got ACCCDE for promos so hey ho whatdyouknow it's more good than bad if I do say so myself.
My 2006 to 2007 transition song would have to beee... CRAZY. By Gnarls Barkley.
I dedicate my transition song to my brother. Because he's gone through so much just thinking about it would make me cry. And I hope that i'll always be around for him, because that's what siblings are for.
I remember when, I remember, I remember when I lost my mind
There was something so pleasant about that place.
Even your emotions had an echo
In so much space
And when you're out there
Without care,
Yeah, I was out of touch
But it wasn't because I didn't know enough
I just knew too much
Does that make me crazy?
Does that make me crazy?
Does that make me crazy?
And I hope that you are having the time of your life
But think twice, that's my only advice
Come on now, who do you, who do you, who do you, who do you think you are,
Ha ha ha bless your soul
You really think you're in control
Well, I think you're crazy
I think you're crazy
I think you're crazy
Just like me
My heroes had the heart to lose their lives out on a limb
And all I remember is thinking, I want to be like them
Ever since I was little, ever since I was little it looked like fun
And it's no coincidence I've come
And I can die when I'm done
Maybe I'm crazy
Maybe you're crazy
Maybe we're crazy
In fact, I dedicate everything in 2006 to Ash.
Tomorrow's the first day of school! But the first 3 days will be orientation for Council, OGLs and the new batch so no lessons heheh.
I feel like eating chocolate now. And Final Fantasy 12 is the SHIZ!
*edit* i don't know why the font is so fucked up. it refuses to change. garrr.
Monday, January 01, 2007
another entry for fun
just because. raushan always says things are JUST. so if you ask me why, i'll just say JUST. foggy foggy hahahahaha
i'm listening to jenna G's in love and i swear i've loved this song since forever. i've always looked for the single but i could never find it. and i've never really tried looking for the album although i should.
if there's any occasion you should be drinking, it's new years. i'm telling you. it's worth the hangover.
although school starts in 2 days i'm not too bummed. i'll get to see all those people i like oh-so-much.
orientation will be fun. if anyone wants to crash you're more than welcome. friesday, like.... 8pm onwards. dress up piratey cause thats our theme.
i should sleep now. but usually i post my resolutions, a review and all that shit but my head's spinning too much to really post all of that so i'll just sleep now cause sleep does wonders.
i'm listening to jenna G's in love and i swear i've loved this song since forever. i've always looked for the single but i could never find it. and i've never really tried looking for the album although i should.
if there's any occasion you should be drinking, it's new years. i'm telling you. it's worth the hangover.
although school starts in 2 days i'm not too bummed. i'll get to see all those people i like oh-so-much.
orientation will be fun. if anyone wants to crash you're more than welcome. friesday, like.... 8pm onwards. dress up piratey cause thats our theme.
i should sleep now. but usually i post my resolutions, a review and all that shit but my head's spinning too much to really post all of that so i'll just sleep now cause sleep does wonders.
happy new year's everyone. usually i'd blog a lot before new year's, but my head's spinning so i don't think it'll happen. fuck vodka.
don't drink kids. not good.
aresha's having a terrible time in delhi. i feel damn sad for her la i thought it would've been fun.
i can't see straight already. this is shit.
as you can see i'm too arsed to type in proper capitals and whatnot. but i swear it's more of the vodka than anything else.
and i'm in love. i'll always be in love. makes me cry sometimes.
don't drink kids. not good.
aresha's having a terrible time in delhi. i feel damn sad for her la i thought it would've been fun.
i can't see straight already. this is shit.
as you can see i'm too arsed to type in proper capitals and whatnot. but i swear it's more of the vodka than anything else.
and i'm in love. i'll always be in love. makes me cry sometimes.
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