Mark can't contain his excitement enough...

This is a mountain of sleeping hamsters.

"Nina is a dream space that packs girl's love.
Such a cute play mind's being able to do is a privilege only the girl."
Yesterday was the good shite. I haven't done something like that in a very long time, so it was a refreshing change. Not to mention finally being able to give Yigang and Surin their long over birthday presents.
We played burger burger like crazy! Marr wasn't in the mood cause she never seemed to win much.
Pre U Seminar's in two days. I haven't memorised my lines for the presentation, nor have I decided on what to wear for it. Rar. If Mrs Koh reads this, she will hunt me down and kill me.
You know ah, I was on the bus the other day. And they were showing that Diva on a Dime thing. AND SHE WAS WEARING THESE FABULOUS BRIGHT BLUE COURT SHOES. Omg. They reminded me of the man-killers I wore for fun at Zara, just in a shade of sky blue. So nice.
Oh oh and I watched advent children just now. So awesome. :D
*edit* the spacing between the pictures are like so fucked lah. I also dunno why.